From Hamburg to Stuttgart – a new adventure will start soon.
Thinking of S instead of HH, it feels like…
….Brezeln instead of Franzbrötchen.
…Zwiebelrostbraten with Spätzle instead of Labskaus.
…5km bicycle route to the office is more strenous than 12km in HH.
…686 bikers at Critical Mass instead of over 5.000.
…living to work instead of working to live.
…Feuersee instead of Alster.
…Fullies instead of Fixies.
…VVS instead of HVV.
…Wulle instead of Ratsherrn.
…taking ouselves very seriously instead of always having a slight charming humour when it comes to ourselves.
…Allgäu instead of Harz.
…a stronger focus in problems instead of solutions.
…Mercedes-Benz Arena instead of Millerntor-Stadion.
…“süßer Sprudel“ instead of Fritz.
…Fernsehturm instead of Michel.
…Theo-Heuss instead of Reeperbahn.
…meeting my old beloved friends instead of missing my GGS-colleagues and HH-friends.
…starting a new Limited-Wip-Society (Kanban User Group) instead of participating in #LWSHH.
…diving into a new agile community instead of leaving the so valuable and amazing HH-Agile-Coach-Connection.
…being way nearer to my family instead of constantly animating them to visit me.
HH I will miss every single aspect of you.
Stuggi I am looking forward to new challenges, hills and seeing old things from new points of view.
Soooo.. how’s it going? 🙂
Pretty well so far.
I just returned from my vacation in Peru – starting work in October – I will regularly post stuff 🙂